Services Available
Yakima Valley Interpreting Service is a multi-language interpreting and translation service. In addition to basic interpretation services we at Yakima Valley Interpreting Service can provide a wide range of translation services to assist you and your business to reach out to people of other languages.
- The art of taking what is said, verbally, in one language and conveing the words into the target language such that the concept, as well as, the words are understood.
We provide qualified and certified interpreters in many of the languages needed in todays fast paced
international business environment. (Languages)
- The act of conveing what is written in one language into writing in the target. Maitaining the concept of what is being convied.
Interpreters United provides translation services for Legal, Medical,
Technical and Commercial documents. The translated documents can be provided as text only or as a finished product that is ready to take to a printer of your choice.
Documents can be mailed, faxed, or sent as an attachment by E-mail.
The cost for a translation project will vary based on the size, complexity and requested finished product.
Documents can also be provided in electronic format based on Microsoft Word©, Microsoft Publisher or equivelent. Other formats are available contact us for your specific request.
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